Internships: An Affordable Alternative to Grad School

Tips For Young Adults

You have a few options when it comes to deciding what you want to do after college. You can go get a job, get an internship, or go back for grad school. One option that is usually overlooked by college students is internships. Internship programs that you can find here are designed to give interns the opportunity of hands-on experience in their chosen field while also providing them with an affordable alternative to grad school.

The first thing you should do is find a company that has an intern program. You can do this by searching for the name of your chosen field + internship, or you could contact one of your professors from college and ask them if they know any companies in need of interns.


Once you’ve found a place to apply, make sure you follow all directions when it comes to sending in resumes and cover letters. In most cases, companies will want these items to be sent via email. If there are no specific instructions on how they’d like their information submitted then always send documents as PDFs attached to an email with “Application: [insert position here]” at the beginning of the subject line followed by your full name (i.e., Application: Internship in Marketing, John Smith).

The next step is to create a resume for the internship. This should be no more than two pages long and include your educational background (including all relevant coursework), work experience (if any), skills, interests, hobbies, additional qualifications (certifications or previous internships) and references. You can find many great examples of resumes on the internet; however you might want to take it one step further by having someone else look over yours before handing it in just to be sure that there are no errors or potentially embarrassing typos. Once you’re done creating your resume use an online service like eResumesWorld if you need help formatting it so that it looks professional rather than home-made.